Journey Within: The Four Soul Questions to Elevate Your Meditation Practice

exercise guided meditation mindfulness teacher May 13, 2024

Life gets busy. We get into a rush, and we have so many things that we need to do. There is always something on the to-do list, and we just can’t stop thinking. Suddenly, we aren’t appreciating our days, and we feel anxious, overwhelmed, or maybe even depressed. 


A tool that can help us work through these times in our lives is Meditation. Meditation is a practice of restfully, aware stillness. It is dedicated time to creating stillness and peace in your life. 


Cultivating the right mindset to practice meditation is key on your journey. Here are some questions recommended by the Meditation Master himself, Deepak Chopra.


These questions are meant to develop a natural curiosity within yourself as you gently reflect and allow answers to flow. 

  1. Begin first by finding a place where you can sit comfortably with your eyes closed for an extended period of time. 
  2. Set a timer. I recommend using ‘Insight Timer.’
  3. Close your eyes and begin taking some deep breaths, checking in with each part of your body and aiming to relax that area more deeply


Question 1: Who Am I?

Instead of trying to force an answer, allow an answer to come up, and if nothing comes up, that’s okay too. Enjoy the stillness and practice acceptance.

Question 2: What Do I Want?

What is your soul's desire? Let an answer begin to develop, and allow your answers to change and flow each time you practice.

Question 3: How Can I Serve?

Your soul craves service, and you were built incredibly gifted to serve in some way. How do you add value? How can you add value? Allow thoughts to effortlessly flow to you.

Question 4: What Am I Grateful For Today?

Gratitude is the seed of joy. As you settle into your meditation space, take a moment to reflect on the blessings in your life. Whether it’s the warmth of the morning sun or the laughter of loved ones, acknowledge the abundance that surrounds you. By shifting your focus to the positive aspects of your life, you invite more joy and fulfillment into your being.


The answers to these questions are less important than the process of asking them, practicing acceptance and nonjudgment, allowing for thoughts to flow, and also stopping thoughts to move onto the next question. It is a process of building a better relationship with your mind while gaining insight into your psyche. 


Once you’ve asked yourself the 4 Soul Questions, release the answers and practice restful awareness until you finish your meditation.


By integrating these Four Soul Questions into your meditation practice, you embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and profound inner peace. At W Fitness, we’re committed to guiding you on this transformative path, providing personalized support and encouragement every step of the way.


Building deeper awareness of yourself is a key part of your transformation journey as you gain more clarity into your deeper desires and inner workings. Learn how you can work with W Fitness on your own Transformation Journey by checking out our Services.


Wishing you a Joyful and Energetic Spirit!

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