Mastering Nutrition and Meal Prep: Your Recipe for Fitness Success

fitness nutrition meal prep strategies meal prep tips nutritional coaching recipe ideas Jun 17, 2024

If you have any type of fitness goal and you AREN’T focusing on your nutrition, you are likely hindering your progress. It is estimated that 70% of our results happen from nutrition, so it is important to focus on nutrition at the same time as building your gym routine. 


One way to meet your goals is to meal prep! There are many ways you can Meal Prep. Here are a few different methods:


The Choose 3 Method:

1. Plan & Prepare: Making the decision for what you are going to eat is the hardest part! You can always tweak certain foods to fit within your macro goals, and some foods naturally fit into your goals while others may be more challenging! Regardless of what you choose, it is important that you choose. Ensure your success by planning and preparing ahead of time!

                         a. Choose 3 Different Flavors of Overnight Oats

        1. Ex. Apple Cinnamon, Banana Pudding, Lemon Poppyseed

                         b. Choose 3 Different Meal Ideas

        1. Ex. Salad, Comforting, Healthy & Hearty

                         c. Choose 3 Different Proteins (variety: including 1x seafood!)

        1. Ex. Seared Ahi, Chicken, Pork Tenderloin

                         d. Choose 3 Different Complex Carbs

        1. Ex. Brown Rice, Quinoa, Lentils

                         e. Choose 3 Different Healthy Fats

        1. Ex. Avocado, Goats Cheese, Mixed Nuts & Seeds

                         f. Choose the Rainbow in Vegetables

        1. Ex. Red Bell Pepper, Carrot, Squash, Zucchini, Red Cabbage

                         g. Choose 3 Different Colored Fruits

        1. Ex. Orange, Apple, Blueberry

                          h. Add Dark Leafy Greens

        1. Ex. Spinach

                          i. Choose High Protein Snack

        1. Ex. Greek Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Chocolate Milk

                          j. Put it All Together:  18/21 MEALS TAKEN CARE OF FOR WEEK

      1. Seared Tuna Salad with avocado complex carbs mixed in x 3 Servings
      2. Chicken and Goats Cheese with Roasted Vegetables and Rice x 3 Servings
      3. Pork Tenderloin with veggies and lentil mash x 3 Servings
      4. Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats x 3 Servings
      5. Banana Pudding Overnight Oats x 3 Servings
      6. Lemon Poppyseed Overnight Oats x 3 Servings

2. Meet Your Nutrition Goals and Determine Your Quantities: What’s a good serving size for you? Read the nutrition label or look them up and see how many servings you would need to reach your protein goal. Subtract However Many Calories your protein serving uses and note any other macros. Calculate Fats and Carbs and adjust servings as needed. 

If you are just starting out, focusing on protein and calorie intake is enough. Water-soluble vitamins and minerals must be replenished daily as they are not stored in the body, this is why it is important to eat a rainbow color of fruits and vegetables to get all of the micronutrients! 

a. Calorie Goal

b. Protein Goal

c. Fat Goal

d. Carb Goal

e. Eating the Rainbow


3. Make Your Shopping List: Now that you have the quantities needed, you can write down exactly how much you need of everything. I like to organize my grocery list like this. (LINKS TO THIS DOCUMENT)

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