Recipe: Juicy Turkey Burger Patties

healthy cooking homemade turkey burgers juicy turkey burger patties lean protein recipe Aug 05, 2024

I prefer my turkey burger to any other burger, not simply because of the nutritional value but this PACKS flavor. It is so juicy, has the right balance of macros, and is flavorful! 


It is easy to make alongside regular burgers. I have pan fried, BBQ’d, and ‘Traegered’--is that an expression?!, this recipe many different times. Perhaps the most important part about this recipe is it is a very ‘wet’ recipe so you need to wait longer for it to cook before flipping. 


You can check to see if it is ready by gently lifting the corners. If the patty generally sticks together and moves together, it’s ready to flip!


Without further ado, here is the recipe!



#TurkeyBurger #ProteinRecipe #FitFood #Recipe #HealthyEating #Protein #LowCarb #EasyCooking #Homemade #WFitness

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