Recipe: Macro-Friendly Shrimp Teriyaki

balanced nutrition high protein macro-friendly shrimp teriyaki meal prep muscle recovery shrimp teriyaki May 16, 2024

This recipe is so good for both your taste and nutrition. It is a nutritious and balanced version of the classic teriyaki shrimp dish, designed to fit within specific macronutrient goals while still delivering delicious flavor and satisfying texture.


It is a well-balanced meal, with high protein, making it good for those who focus on muscle recovery and growth. It’s perfect for meal prep, particularly for individuals focused on high-protein and moderate-carbohydrate meals.


Without further ado, here is the recipe and the nutrition facts!


#MacroFriendly #ShrimpTeriyaki #HighProtein #BalancedNutrition #MealPrep #MuscleRecovery

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