Recipe: Rainbow Orzo Pasta

colorful pasta easy cooking fitness meal healthy recipe protein-packed rainbow orzo pasta Aug 19, 2024

Rainbow Orzo Pasta is super easy, healthy, and colorful! It's a fantastic way to sneak in veggies, good carbs, and protein into your meals. I like to serve it with extra protein to hit my protein goals – think grilled chicken, shrimp, pork tenderloin, white fish, or tofu. It's perfect for refueling after a workout or just adding some fun colors to your plate.


Shaped like rice grains, orzo pasta is made from durum wheat semolina, offering a unique texture that's both tender and chewy. With its playful appearance and subtle variation in flavor, Rainbow Orzo Pasta adds a whimsical touch to any dish. Whether served hot or cold, as a main course or side dish, it's a versatile ingredient that's as visually appealing as it is delicious.


Without further ado, here is the recipe!



#RainbowOrzoPasta #HealthyEating #ColorfulFood #EasyRecipes #FitnessMeal

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