Recipe: Salmon Cakes

appetizer easycooking healthyeating lowcarb protein salmoncakes wfitness Jul 29, 2024

Salmon cakes are so tasty, and there are several ways to enjoy them. You can prepare them as a main dish alongside a salad or roasted vegetables, in a sandwich, or as a tasty appetizer/snack with a dipping sauce like tartar sauce or aioli.


You may also notice that I have canned salmon instead of fresh salmon. I have experimented with this and found that it works better like this! Not sure why, but that has been my experience!


How to create a tasty Salmon Cakes

  • Canned Salmon: Convenient and cost-effective, canned salmon provides a rich source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. It's easily flaked and incorporated into the salmon cake mixture.
  • Eggs: Eggs act as a binding agent, helping to hold the salmon cakes together. They also contribute moisture and richness to the mixture when cooked.
  • Dijon Mustard: Dijon mustard adds tanginess and depth of flavor to the salmon cakes. It helps to enhance the savory profile of the dish and provides a subtle hint of spiciness.
  • Red Onion: Finely chopped red onion adds sweetness and texture to the salmon cakes. It also lends a mild onion flavor that complements the other ingredients.
  • Spring Onions: Chopped spring onions contribute a fresh and mildly pungent flavor to the salmon cakes. They add a pop of color and freshness to the mixture.
  • Garlic Cloves: Pressed garlic cloves provide aromatic depth and savory flavor to the salmon cakes. They enhance the overall taste profile and add complexity to the dish.
  • Coconut Flour: Coconut flour serves as a gluten-free binder for the salmon cakes. It helps to absorb excess moisture and provides a light and fluffy texture when cooked.
  • Oil: Used for pan-frying the salmon cakes, oil adds moisture and helps to achieve a crispy exterior. Coconut oil is preferred for its subtle flavor and ability to withstand higher cooking temperatures.
  • Lemon: Lemon juice and zest add brightness and acidity to the salmon cakes. They provide a fresh and citrusy finish that balances the richness of the dish. 


Without further ado, here is the recipe!



#SalmonCakes #Recipe #HealthyEating #Protein #LowCarb #EasyCooking #Homemade #Appetizer #WFitness

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